Blog tagged as wish I knew

Dear Air, 

I can’t even lie. Writing this has brought out the perfectionism we’ve always had.  

The truth is - I know you’d be impressed with me anyhow.

Can you believe that we are 26 now? If there is anyone I’m proud of it's you.

I’m proud of your grit,  leadership, integrity, diligen...

02.23.23 08:23 AM - Comment(s)

Hi Sierra. It’s you, just in January of 2023 … yes, at 21 years old. 

I know that you’re in your first season of level 10 right now, which is as intimidating as it gets. To this day, I don’t know anyone who felt overly confident in their first year of level 10 because it’s simply different.


02.08.23 06:48 PM - Comment(s)

Dear 18-year-old Lauren, 

I am you, but 6 years in the future – graduated from college and working your first “big girl” job. As I have seen you grow into the fine young woman you are today, I want to give you some advice for the place you are in your life right now. 

The principle of takin...

11.16.22 11:00 AM - Comment(s)

Everything is an Opportunity in Disguise

Dear Derek,

When it was time for you to pick a university, I think you did it just right. Loyola University Chicago or Pepperdine, that was the question. 

Stanford didn’t work out, unfortunately, we just didn’t have what we needed on paper. U of I could ha...

11.09.22 11:10 AM - Comment(s)

Dear Younger Katie,

Where do I even begin?

You’ve always been the straightforward type and hate it when people beat around the bush. But I’m tempted to ease you into this letter because I know it’s going to be tough to read.

Right now, you’re in what you think is the prime of your life: you’re the su...

11.02.22 12:00 PM - Comment(s)
