Blog categorized as Athlete Stories

Former Rhodes College infielder Erin Parker-Williams proclaims that her recruiting store is like anyone else’s. Parker-Williams didn’t just accept the attention from any school, she made sure that the school fit into the list of attributes that she outlined and stuck to it. It’s her approach that pr...
02.28.22 08:00 AM - Comment(s)

To say that Anna Glenn has a different story would be an understatement. The former UCLA gymnast has endured and persevered just about her entire life both on and off the competition floor.

So listen to Glenn fill us in on how she was adopted from China along with her twin sister all the way to being...

02.15.22 07:00 PM - Comment(s)

In our latest episode of Athlete Stories we caught up with University of Texas offensive lineman Tope Imade. During our chat with Imade he talks about the wake-up call he got when his coach read his grades aloud in front of his teammates that boosted his academic efforts. He also discusses how invig...

01.31.22 04:50 PM - Comment(s)

Jonny Drozd’s story is one of ups and downs and figuring things out as his journey progressed. In this edition of our Athlete Stories series we discuss Drozd’s trek from childhood all the way to becoming a professional baseball player and getting signed to the New York Yankees.
